Sunday, July 1, 2007

Save Time, Money and Energy by using a Foodsaver

Incorporating a foodsaver into your lifestyle makes good economic cents because it continues to pay for itself long after its purchase and is worth its weight in gold. Here's how!


If you make a practice of taking 1-2 hours out of your day to prepare and cook 3 meals. It will take minutes to warm up the food because foodsaver bags are microwavable.


Since, you are preparing all of your meals one day a week, the oven and/ or stove is only on once. Also, clean up time is streamlined. (Remember, foodsaver bags are microwavable.


You will not feel compelled to eat out because dinner is already cooked.

I cook 3 large meals each week on a Sunday so that I will not have to slave over the stove during weeknights. This saves me alot of time and energy because after working all day I do night want to have to worry about what we are going eat for dinner. It also gives me time to destress before dinner and homework time.

Check out to learn more.

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If you like my money savings grocery tips, then check out this Grocery Savings e-book!

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